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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sura As-Saffah Benefits and some meaningful ayat

Sura As-Saffah Benefits and some meaningful ayat

Sura saffah benefits

Surah Saffah (The Ranks) is the 35th chapter of the Quran and contains 8 verses.

It is named after the word "staff" which appears in the first verse, meaning "ranks" or "companies."

This surah reminds us of the importance of unity and cooperation among believers.

It reminds us of the rewards for those who remain steadfast in their faith and the punishment for those who turn away from it.

The surah also emphasizes the importance of being grateful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

It serves as a reminder to be patient in times of hardship and to trust in God's plan.

Reciting this surah can bring peace and tranquility to the mind and soul.

It can also help to increase one's faith and devotion to God.

Some best ayat of sura Saffah

"Indeed, the companions of the Garden will be in delight on that Day." (Quran 35:33)

"And the companions of the Fire will be there, in the morning and the evening." (Quran 35:36)

"And they will say, 'Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow." (Quran 35:34)

"And our Lord, indeed You have given us what You promised us and have saved us from the punishment of the Fire." (Quran 35:30)

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