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Most Powerful duas \ Frequently Asked Questions.

I Want My Lover Back Which Dua or Wazifa Help me? 

If your lover left you and you want your lover back in your life, then First Recite Surah Al Hujurat (12). Two times after that, Recite “Ya Wadodu Ya Rahmu Ya Raahemu” 30 times. Within one week, your lover is back in your life.

Which Dua or wazifa I read for marriage? 

If you see any trouble in your life and it belongs to your marriage, you can Recite Surah Al Fatiha (7) four times. After that, Recite ‘Ya Allah Illallah” 100 times. Do this for one week you will see Desired effects.

Is There Any Dua or Wazifa for marrying a specific person? 

If you want to marry any specific person, you can Recite Verse (23) of Surah Tauba  10 times. After That, read ayat “Al zara wudu sul miyan Quran til zikr lawak” 50 times. Do this ritual for one week with faith in Allah (SWT) and pray to Allah SWT to get married to a specific person.

Is There any Dua or Wazifa to get what I want?

If you need dua to get what you want, then First perform 2 Rakat Nafil Namaz. After That recite “Subhaanallaahi, Walhamdu lillaahi, Wallaahu ‘Akbar” 150 times, Finally Recite Surah Al Mursalat 13 times. Do this ritual for one week with faith in Allah (SWT). You will get what you want in one week.

Is there any Dua for Love Marriage? 

Surah Al Fatiha is the best Surah for a love marriage if you do this properly. Here we tell you how you can do this ritual. First Do Wudu. Then Recite Surah Al Fatiha Verse (1-5) 100 times. Finally, Make Dua to Allah to solve all your problems Related to your love marriage.

Is there any Dua to make someone Fall in love with you?

If you want to make someone fall in love with you, Recite Surah Tauba Verse (1-19) Five times. After Fajar Namaz. Remember that desired person’s face when you do this ritual. InshaAllah, do this ritual for one month within a month that desired person falls in love with you.

Is there any Dua to make someone madly in love with you?

You can easily make someone love you madly by reciting “Natloo’ alaika min Nabaa-i Moosaa wa Fir’awna bilhaqqi liqawminy yu’miinoon.” 105 Times after any Islamic prayer. That is the easiest dua to make someone madly in love with you.

Is there any Surah to make someone love you?

Surah At-Tawbah is the most effective Surah to make someone love you again. First, make Fresh Wudu, then Recite Surah At-Tawbah Verse (1-10) 101 times on the 1st-15th date of the full moon. In 15 days, that person will love you. Have full faith in Allah when you Recite this Surah.

Is There any Dua for someone to come back to you?

Here is the powerful dua for someone to come back to you. First, After any Islamic prayer, Recite “Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem” 105 times. Now Imagine the person you want to get back in your life and recite SURAH YASEEN Verse No.16, “Qaaloo Rabbunaa ya’lamu innaaa ilaikum lamursaloon”, 50 times. Do this ritual for 15 days you will se that your lover come back to you.

Is there any Dua to get my love back?

Dua Al-Ahzab is the quickest way to get your love back in your life.

Recite Al-Ahzab Verse 41, “Yaaa aiyuhal lazeena aamanuz kurul laaha zikran kaseera” 123 times after the Fajar Morning prayer. Inshaallah, You will get your love back in 15 days.

Is there any Dua to get loved ones back?

Recite SURAH FATIHA Ayah (3) “Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem” 105 times to get your loved one back in your life. After that, Recite “Ar-Rahman”, “Ar-Rahim”, “AL-MALIK”, “AL-QUDDUS” 100 times. Do this ritual after the 4th Islamic prayer. Within 15 days, your loved one will come back to you.

Is there any Dua to get your love back?

Surah Al-Waqiah is the most powerful and famous Surah, which can also be used as an Islamic dua to get your love back. After Fajar Prayer Recite Surah Al-Waqiah (56:77) “Innahoo la quraanun Kareem” 105 times. Do this ritual for 15 days, InshaAllah. You will get your love back in 10-15 days.

Is there any Dua to bring your lover back in your life?

Surah Al Qasas (23) is a very effective way to bring your lover back into your life. Here we will tell you the procedure. First, take your lover photo in your hands, then Recite “Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem” 104 times, think about your lover by heart, and Pray to Almighty Allah to bring your lover back in your life again. Do this process for 12 days.

Is there any Islamic prayer to get love back?

If you want To get your love back in your lifeThen Recite Surah Al Qasas (22) “Wa lammaa tawajjaha tilqaaa’a Madyana qaala’asaa Rabbeee ai yahdiyanee Sawaaa’as Sabeel” 105 times after any Islamic prayer. This Islamic prayer is the most powerful and effective prayer to get your love back in your life again.

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