Islamic Health Insights is a blog dedicated to providing valuable information on the intersection of Islamic teachings and modern healthcare. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being based on the principles of Islam. We cover a wide range of topics related to Islamic health, including nutrition, mental health, natural remedies, and more. Our team of writers and experts is passionate about sharing their knowledge.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How To Reduce Fever fast

How To Reduce Fever

In today’s article, we will discuss How To Lower Fever. We will present a small wazifa which you have to recite and blow on a glass of water. If you are not sick yourself. Even if your friend or relative is suffering from fever. You can do the same procedure and give the water to him to drink.
By the grace of Allah, you or any person who drinks the water shall feel his fever mitigating and will have better health soon. However, before we jump straight into the main topic, it is better to know why does fever happen?

Causes of Fever

Scientifically, fever happens when hypothalamus in the brain sets your body up to remain at a higher temperature. This is mainly caused by any virus or bacteria which may have entered into the body or have entered before, but, has taken time to mature and act inside the body.
These causes can affect both adults as well as children. Fever in babies and fever in adults, both, is easy to occur as our body is susceptible to catching the fever.

How to prevent cold?

Avoid excess travel on bikes. However, if you are a frequent bike user, then wear a proper helmet, an upper, gloves, and other protective gear so that you can secure yourself from strong blows of wind which penetrate through the body while driving
  • Cover your head and ears as these are one of the most vulnerable body parts through which your body can catch cold.
  • Eat boiled eggs regularly and also consume green tea or other forms of tea on a consistent basis.
  • Try to sit under sunlight as much as you can and consume fresh vegetables and fruits regularly.
  • Do Not compromise on your rest. Sleep at least 7-8 hours daily and also, exercise consistently so that you can turn into the best version of yourself.
  • Avoid cold and sour consumables as much as you can.
  • Wear thick socks and try not to walk barefooted even inside the premises of the home.
  • Follow the following Wazifa and the entire procedure for even better results.

How to reduce fever using Wazaif

The following Wazifa is from Surah Araf, Ayat 47.
  • Begin with the recitation of Durood Shareef 3 times.
  • Recite “Fallama Tajjala Rabuhu Lil Jabali Ja’alahu Dakkawakhara Muusa Saeeqa” 7 times.
how to reduce fever
how to reduce fever
  • End with the recitation of Durood Shareef 3 times
  • If you know Durood-e-Ibrahimi with correct pronunciation and proper wordings, then you can recite that also.
  • After the recitation, blow on a glass of water.
  • If you are sick yourself, then you have to drink the water yourself or you can do this procedure for anyone else as mentioned above.
  • There is no limitation for whom you can do this procedure. You can do this for any friend, relative, known person, a person of any age, any status.
Please Check Also Dua For Health 
The only thing mandatory when following this or when following any Wazifa is to have a firm belief that the words of Allah are filled with blessings. You should not be doubtful when doing any Wazifa that whether it will work or not. As a Muslim, it is an obligation for us to believe in Allah no matter what circumstances. With that being said, the following procedure, when followed correctly will also provide comfort and better health to anyone who follows it.
Please Remeber Us In Your Prayers 

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