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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dua For Victory Over Enemy

Dua For Enemy

Dua For Victory Over Enemy

Everyone fears their enemy. Whether they are constantly harming you or not, the threat of danger from enemy is surely there. If you also fear that your enemy may anytime do harm to you and hurt you physically, financially or emotionally, then you should make dua for protection from enemy. The dua will help you in wiping out the fear of any kind of threat from your enemy from your mind. The dua will keep you secure from the attack of your enemy and never let any of his bad motives affect you.
If you and your enemy are competing in the business or you have some common interest where you want to emerge victorious, then you should make dua for victory over enemy. The dua will help you in emerging victorious in front of your enemy. If you wish to make your enemy suffer financially then dua for victory over enemy will serve your purpose well. It will help you in defeating your enemy in all phases of life. No matter what the situation is, your enemy will never be able to achieve anything in life and all the quests will be yours.

Dua For Enemy

If you want your enemy to suffer in everything he does, then make dua for enemy. The dua will bring troubles and problems in the life of your enemy directly from Allah Talah. Yes, rest your case in front of the Almighty for He is the most just and beneficent. The dua for enemy will make your enemy pay for all the sins he has done and all the problems he has created for you. Never lose hope in Allah Talah and keep making dua for enemy for he will definitely be avenged.
 If you fear that your enemy will not just harm you but also your family, then dua for protection from enemy will prove very beneficial for you. If you think that there are few instances where you need to prove your mettle and stay ahead of your enemy, then dua for victory over enemy will help you out. You can get the procedure of dua for enemy from our molvi sb. He will help you in practicing the dua in the right manner to get the best results in the shortest time possible. Go ahead and talk to him about it.
Dua For Protection From Enemy

Dua For Protection From Enemy

Dua for protection from enemy is given below:
” Inna Aataina Kal Kausar Fasalli Li Rabbika Wan Har Inna Shaani Aka Huwal Abtar “
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...  11 tims

Surah Kausar with Urdu Translation (With images) | Quran quotes ...101 time
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ... 11 time
Surah Kausar is the best remedy which you can practice for protection from your enemy. Recite this surah 101 times after the namaz of Asr and make dua to Allah Talah to protect you, your family, your business from the attacks of your enemy.
Insha Allah, within 41 days, things will change for the better. If you fear that your enemy has done black magic on you or your business and you want protection for that too, then feel free to come to our molvi sb. for this problem and get instant help.

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