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Friday, May 15, 2020

Nazre Bad Ki Dua - Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

dua for protection from evil eye

Dua For Protection From Evil Eye And What Is Evil Eye

Getting noticed by someone who doesn’t want betterment for you is very common in our society. We are surrounded by many people who get jealous of what we achieve, what we wear, what we eat, how we look, and our lives in general. What happens is that when someone envies us, we can often catch the effect of his bad intention which is known as evil eye. In this article, we will provide you with a Dua for protection from evil eye. The evil eye is something which is not visible. You have to be cautious and look out for some specific signs which indicate that we are under the influence of bad eye.

Symptoms Of Evil Eye

. Constant yawning. Yawning especially when you are making a dua. While yawning, tears also fill up in your eyes
. Constant blinking of the eye or shivering of any specific part of the body
. Face turning yellow
. Blackheads under eyes
. Multiple diseases diagnosed inside the body all of a sudden
. Constant headaches
. Constant pain in the body
. Catching any disease all of a sudden
. Unpleasant attitude
. Trolling other people uselessly
. Complaining about others all the time
. Being angry or in a bad mood often
. Disturbing thoughts
. Wanting to cry without any reason
. Being excessive sleepy
. Not being able to sleep
. Vomiting
. Digestive problems

Dua For Evil Eye (Nazre Bad Ki Dua)

We are going to share multiple wazaif or surahs which will help you get rid of evil eye.
. Begin with the recitation of Durood Shareef 1 time
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...
. After that, recite, “LA ILLA HA ILLALA HU” 60 times

Dua For Protection From Evil Eye
Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...

. End the procedure by reciting Durood Shareef 1 more time
. After this, blow on your chest. If any of your friend or relative or your children are under the effect of evil eye, then you can recite this and blow on them.
Surah For Protection (Nazr e Bad Ki Dua In Quran)
Another wazifa for protection from evil eye is the Surah Kausar Wazifa
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...
. Begin with the recitation of Durood Shareef 1 time
. Recite Surah Kausar 3 times. It is located in Quran pak, parah number 30.

surah kausar wazifa
surah kausar wazifa

. End the wazifa by reciting Durood Shareef 1 time
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...
. After this, you must blow on your chest. If any of your friend or relative or your children are under the effect of evil eye, then you can recite this and blow on them.

Surah Falaq and Surah Naas wazifa
Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...
. Begin by reciting Durood Shareef 1 time.
. After this, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas 1 time each

surah falaq and surah naas wazifa
surah falaq and surah naas wazifa

Lovely Wallpapers and Quotes: Durud shareef| durood-e-ibrahimi ...

. End the procedure with the recitation of Durood Shareef 1 time
After this, you must blow on your chest. If any of your friend or relative or your children are under the effect of evil eye, then you can recite this and blow on them.
Extra advice
The aim of our platform is to help our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters to make their lives better. We work day and night every day in order to compile the best and most legit dua’s which carry the power of changing our lives. We request you to share and spread the lessons we provide you. Our articles and videos must not be one to one communication with us and the reader. Rather, we must act like a chain and spread the word of Allah as much as we can.
Spreading the word of Allah will not only make lives of other Muslims better but, will also benefit us. This is known as Sadqad-e-Jariah. The act of Sadqah-e-Jariah means doing a task or deed which benefits others. This earns us rewards not only during our lives, but, also after our death.

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