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Saturday, October 21, 2023

what is Quran Memorization in general has benefits / How Boosting the memory with Quran

Quran Memorization in general has benefits

It trains the brain to remember things, it challenges the brain. Ten sessions of exercises to boost reasoning skills, memory and mental processing speed staved off mental decline in middle-aged and elderly people in the first definitive study to show that honing intellectual skills can bolster the mind in the same way that physical exercise protects and strengthens the body.

Rote learning improves neural plasticity. Irish researchers found that through extended exercises in rote learning, learners can actually recall more information overall. Rote learning benefits the hippocampal foundation, a key structure in the brain for episodic and spatial memory in humans. In their group of participants aged 55–70, these researches noted that repeated activation of memory structures promotes neuronal plasticity in the aging brain.

Those who obsess over sports statistics should be encouraged: neurologists believe that “mental gymnastics”, like remembering facts from sports history, can make your brain more quick and agile. Although researchers have yet to find a direct link, they do believe that there’s a plausible connection between sports score obsessions and a more flexible mind. Plus, as UCLA neuroscience Arthur Toga points out, an exercise like reading sports scores “gets a lot more circuits involved” than, say, watching sports on TV.

Weber State University student researcher Paula Fiet has delved into a working memory research project, discovering that underdeveloped short-term memory may be to blame for some students’ problems with mastering concepts in math and reading. Fiet explains, “you need working memory to learn,” or to hold enough information in your mind to comprehend what you’re learning. Fiet’s research has shown that “children with poor working memories don’t get enough information in their minds at one time to make sense of what is coming in.” Students who complete exercises aimed at building short-term memory have seen improvement in their working memory and capacity to learn.

There are numerous studies and research always coming out on memorization and what improves it all the time.

But what about memorizing the Qur’an? 

Well the same principles will be applied because those who engage in it engage in mental memory training. When done right, you reap other benefits.



Boosting the memory with Quran: 

Memorizing the Qur’an helps those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

There was a study done by the Alzheimer’s Association with the aim to find the relationship between religiosity “memorizing Qur’an” and sharp healthy memory. The hypothesis was: assuming that the Qur’an is an influential factor on the strength of memory in two ways: religiosity and spirituality, and on the mental stimulation then the memory of those who memorized the Qur’an is stronger than those who didn’t and their probability to have memory problems and disorders is less.


The method of study was applied on 580 people from both genders aged from 20–40, half of them were religious who memorized the Qur’an and the other half weren’t. The test used in the study was a paper containing a questionnaire and two tests, the questionnaire asked normal questions about factors that may affect memory. And the two tests were TYM (test your memory) translated into Arabic after taking the permission from the authors in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK and the 10 words test designed by Dr. Gary Small from his book (The Memory Bible). The grades of the two test were between A-F. The experiment confirmed the hypothesis as being correct. Now this, of course, is a small study like the others but shows the potential and it should be studied further. For instance, we know that reading in general keeps the mind active and this can prevent the disease too. What differs here is the spiritual light and healing properties of the Qur’ān.


Memorizing the Qur’ān trains and shapes the brain

Dr. Haneen Jarrar at Camel Clinic states that “Memorizing an information and acting upon it, improves the working memory.” and working memory plays a major role in creativity among individuals. Mohamed Ghilan reflected on why the Qur’ān shapes the brain. He says: “While learning the Qur’ān, the careful attention to listening and pronunciation of verses stimulates an area of the brain located in the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is also where the hippocampus is located, which is the memory consolidation center. It’s also the brain region activated for processing of musical sounds such as the case when the Qur’ān is recited. Moreover, it becomes involved when the student engages in handwriting exercises similar to the ones on the wooden board. Where this matters is that this is the part of the brain whose activity levels and capacities have been correlated with a person’s aptitude for learning new information. The more activation this area receives, and the more involved this activation is such as the case with the Qur’ān, the better and more efficient it becomes in its functions for learning and memory.”


Memorizing the Qur’ān has positive effects on socio-culture life and academic achievement

There was a study done in Pakistan on the Effects of Memorizing Quran by Heart (Hifz) On Later Academic Achievement. A sample of 36 Huffādh (21 male and 15 female) were selected from the colleges and universities of Peshawar and Rawalpindi having age range from 15–30 years. Purposive sampling technique and exploratory survey research methods were adopted for investigation.


Two types of questionnaire forms were developed to explore the pre-post academic achievement and sociocultural impacts of Hifdh (memorization) on Huffādh (those who memorized). These forms were: for parents and the Huffadh. Both forms included close as well as open ended questions. The analysis of responses revealed that Huffādh and their parents reported 12 aspects in which Hifdh affected Huffadh’s personality and Socio-Cultural life. The results revealed that all reported responses were positive in nature and not even a single negative effect was reported.


The test has its limitations too and is mentioned in the study but yet again this is indicative of certain benefits.


Memorizing the Qur’ān improves the quality of life in stroke patients with aphasia motoric disorders


A study done in Indonesia spent three months with patients with the purpose of determining the effect of memorizing the Qur’ān. Specifically, Surah Tāhā, verses 25–28 on the functional communication skills, independence, and quality of life in stroke patients with motoric aphasia disorders. The study was conducted at Ja’far Medika Karanganyar General Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia for approximately 3 months, with a total sample of 102 motor aphasia stroke sufferers, divided into 2 groups (n = 51) as controls receiving medical therapy, (n = 51) intervention group who received medical therapy and were trained to memorizing the Qur’ān. The time of the study was carried out for three months starting December 4, 2017 to Maret 21, 2018. Quantitative research was done using experimental design, simple randomized the pretest-posttest control group design. They found their hypothesis to be correct. Based on the results of path analysis that memorizing the Qur’an significantly influences the quality of life in stroke patients with motoric aphasia disorders. Thus the direct influence of memorizing the Qur’ān (and family support) for the quality of life is better, without having to go through functional communication and the level of independence as mediation.


Memorizing the Qur’ān helps with anxiety and depression, hypertension and diabetes.

An irony: Many that do memories or are trying to memories the Qur’ān face stress, anxiety or depression. What about them?


There is something called Hifdh Depression. It sadly exists and it is something I intend to write about soon, with the divine facilitation of Allāh. In 2015, a study on Mental Health and Stress-coping Strategies among Memorizers of Holy Qur’an was published. The purpose of the study was to determine mental health and coping strategies in memorizers of the Qur’ān in Kashmar city (Iran) in 2013. Using a sample of 90 memorizers, they found that memorizers of the Qur’ān had high mental health and the priority in coping strategies that were used by them when they were emotional, problem solving and avoiding strategies, respectively. They found that anxiety and sleep disorders among the memorizers are at a significantly low level.


Another study in 2017 did a review on this topic. This systematic review study was performed on articles published between January 1990 and September 2017. Several online databases were searched with the keywords of “Quran,” “anxiety,” “clinical trial.” The risk of bias across all included studies was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias tool. Of the 973 articles found in the initial search, 28 randomized controlled trials and quasi-experiments were selected for the systematic review. In most studies, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to measure participants’ anxiety. Findings of this review revealed a positive effect of listening to Holy Qur’ān recitation in reducing anxiety in various settings. Only one study had reported that the anxiety level in Holy Qur’ān recitation group was less than that of the control group, but it was not statistically significant. Based on the available research, they concluded, Qur’ān recitation can be used as a useful non-pharmacological treatment to reduce anxiety. However, methodologically strong randomized controlled trials are needed in this area.


The Qur’ān does offer guidance, console, and counsel to the Holy Prophet ﷺ in times where he was facing social and mental challenges. It provides us insights into mental health and various states of human beings. From the human being born in a state of anxiety to Lady Maryam (peace be upon her) speaking of wishing her own death. Above all, the Qur’ān promises that the hearts gain peace through His remembrance.


As mentioned and requested by many of you, I will be addressing mental health challenges through our platforms in more detail.


A further study found an association between Qur’ān memorization and health among older men. This cross-sectional study included older Saudi men (age ≥ 55 years) from Buraidah, Al-Qassim. The neighborhoods were selected randomly (20 out of 96); eligible men from the mosques were recruited. Demographics, lifestyle, and depression were assessed with standardised questionnaires; height, weight, blood pressure, and random blood glucose (glucometer) were measured with standard protocol.


The mean and standard deviation for age, body mass index, and Qur’ān memorization were 63 years (7.5), 28.9 kg/m2 (4.8), and 4.3 sections (6.9). Prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and depression were 71%, 29%, and 22%, respectively. Those who memorized at least 10 sections of Qur’ān were 64%, 71%, and 81% less likely to have hypertension, diabetes, and depression compared to those who memorized less than 0.5 sections, after controlling for covariates.


In this study, a linear trend was observed between the quantity of Qur’ān memorization and disease outcomes, that is, the likelihood of participants having hypertension, diabetes, and depression decreased across the increased categories of memorization. In particular, the benefit was strong and significant for participants who memorized at least 10 sections of Qur’ān. There was a strong linear association between Qur’ān memorization and hypertension, diabetes, and depression indicating that those who had memorized a larger portion of the Qur’ān were less likely to have one of these chronic diseases. Future studies should explore the potential health benefits of Qur’ān memorsation and the underlying mechanisms.


This study like others mentioned give us a glimpse of what the untapped nature of the Qur’ān is. There is always something to be discovered.


My Observations

You may ask about my own experience and the experiences of others. What have I found to be true with those who have memorised the Qur’ān. What changed with me and within me when i was memorising and after. What have I heard and seen in my research.


Good question. Firstly, I am incredibly grateful to my Rabb (Master) and I am always reflecting on the years that have passed. I can tell you a few things that I have noticed as being common between those that have memorised. We become masters of memorisation and the art of memorisation. When I began memorising and had done as little as 5 juz — I saw a difference in my secular studies. I used to be able to absorb information quicker. I would adopt the same techniques used when memorising the Qur’ān with memorising other things. I have seen those who have conditions and diseases memorise the Qur’ān. There conditions haven’t gone but they’ve seen a huge change. Positive steps. I have seen the effects of the recitation of the Qur’ān and its healing properties. I have been reciting since a young age and recently people had mentioned how my recitation was a healing and peace for them. Allāh knows best but…



We see the many benefits to health through memorisation and especially the memorisation of the Qur’ān. Whilst we can point at deficiencies in studies, we cannot point out any with the Qur’ān. It is a healing.


If any of you have any stories to share about your experiences with healing through memorisation of the Qur’ān specifically. I would love to hear from you. Email me or get in touch through social media.


May Allāh grant us health and wellbeing. Strength in the physical, mental and spiritual and open our chests for healing, guidance and mercy.



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