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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wazifa And Dua For Successful And Safety Of Pregnancy


Dua For Successful Pregnancy

Every married couple craves one blessing from Allah Subhanawa’ Tala i.e. a healthy baby. No matter the Almighty blesses you with a son or daughter, but he/ she should be healthy. In order to get a healthy baby and successful delivery for you, it is important that you make dua for a successful pregnancy. Insha Allah, very soon you will expect some good news. The dua for successful pregnancy will help you conceive well and deliver a healthy child at the end of 9 months. There will no problem during your pregnancy.

Dua For Pregnancy

But, before having a successful pregnancy, it is important for a woman to get pregnant. There are some women who try hard to conceive, but they fail. If you have tried several times, but you always test negative, then it is important that you practice dua for pregnancy. With the help of dua for pregnancy, Insha Allah, you will be able to have a child soon. Sometimes couples may get disheartened and they give up the idea of having a child. No, you shouldn’t ever be hopeless with Allah Talah. Make dua for pregnancy as directed to you and Insha Allah, the Almighty will bless you with a baby soon!

Motherhood is the most amazing feeling in this world. Allah Talah has given paradise below the feet of a mother. Thus, every woman wants to mother a child. If you also wish to be a mother and be a part of this amazing journey, then recite dua for pregnancy. It is indeed a privilege which is bestowed by Allah Talah only on the women. So, if you are eagerly waiting to become parents, then dua for pregnancy will fill your desire.

Dua For Safety Of Pregnancy

Once you conceive, the next step is to protect your pregnancy. Women are highly delicate and fragile during these 9 months of pregnancy. Hence, you should practice dua for safety of pregnancy for yourself. It will protect your child from the seen and unseen things of the world. Insha Allah, your child will develop well in your womb and will be healthy. One can get the dua for safety of pregnancy from our Molvi sb. Consult him in this regard and he will help you with the best possible solution. It will prevent you from experiencing a miscarriage or any other problem during pregnancy.

Dua for successful pregnancy is given below:

  • Make fresh ablution
  • Recite this dua after the namaz of Fajr.
  • Recite DuroodShareef 9 times.
  • Recite this dua 11 times. Any of the partners can recite the dua. “Allah HummaSalliAlaaMuhammadin Waa Aali La Muhammaad”
  • Then recite DuroodShareef 9 times in the end.
  • Blow your breath on some water
  • Now make dua to Allah Talah for successful pregnancy.
  • Insha Allah, all the 9 months will pass smoothly and you will never face any problem.
  • Recite this dua till you deliver your baby for the safety of the child.

In case, you are worried about the safety of your baby,

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