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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

how to control Nafs-Ammara And Heart

how to control Nafs-Ammara And Heart

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
On their way back to find sustainance, Heart and nafs met supreme intelligence (akh le qudsi)
Supreme intelligence (akh le qudsi/marifat) is filled with noor /light of elahi
Supreme intelligence helps heart in finding sustainance
Jism(body)-nafs(ego/I)-qalb(heart)-akh le qudsi(intelligence/marifat)-ruh(amr/command of allah)-sirr(secreat)-sirr us sirr(secreats of secreats)-khafi- akhfa
Heart lost sustainance coming to duniya .ahk le qusi /murshid is needed to regain the lost status of heart.
rigorus spiritual exercises +patience +no arguments with murshid(intelligence)=sulook/traveller
first weaken the body by strict adherance to sharia/law .
sunnat and seerat are just doors if you open them you will find hikmah/wisdom(a great gift)
body= boat (boarded by heart ,nafs and murshid/ahk le noorani)
murshid e qudsi broke the boat(body ) with riguorous spiritual exrecises.
Body (boat) =miskeen/bodily needs
Nafs e amara is weaken with spiritual exercises.
Ruh said donot follow nafs .
Ruh and nafs are fighting to control heart .if ruh takes up the position on heart .nafs also takes up the features of ruh.
Nafs e ammara( weakened with spiritual exercise) 
Nafs e lawamma( awakens )
Once nafs e ammara is killed,your  on the way towards lawamma and mulhima.
Nafs e mulhima=nurtured with help of murshid + talib e sawaab/deeds =rewarded with jannat  + worldily wealth is below nafs e mulhima
Nafs e mutmainna = treasure of sustainance(marifat/zikr/yaad e elahi) is found beneath this nafs +built on beautiful character+talib e raza/deedar(wants allah alone )+spiritual wealth is below nafs e mutmainna.
By the grace of allah you will find wealth not on your efforts .you must be talib e elahi not talib e sawaab.
Nafs e ammara-nafs is in our heart/slaves of the desires/wordly affairs/shaitan speaks
Nafs e lawamma-start fighting with nafs/shaitan furious/putting questions in the heart
Nafs e mulhima-nafs is still there/waswasa&hope/shaitan tricks by alternate ways like you have done enough zikr /pray later/why astagfar when I have not done anywrong/munfiqat
Nafs e mutmainna-nafs&shaitan are silent/no resistance in azkar and ibadat/heart is activated & seeby it.
Nafs e radhiyya-entry into touheed/baseerat is created in the heart/see allah everywhere in everything/mushahida and fail e haqiqi is HU.stop listening to nafs&shaitan but shaitan tries to lead you into shirk/gumrahi by manipulating our mushahida.
Nafs e mardhiyya-love conquer everything including nafs&shaitan/heart eye is completely open we start speaking language of  the soul.
Nafs e kamila-nafs is completely purified/perfection and we enter maqam e qalb.
At tauba-return to allah/urge to cry and get cleaned with astagfar regularly.
At taslim-surrender to allah/leaves body/heart/soul to allah’s will in turn gets love and peace /profit and loss doesnot matter/always thankfull to allah.
Al adab– politeness/quite/absorbs anger
Al khawf-fear of allah/feels allah is always with him/feeling between hope& fear of allah
As sidq-righteousness/everything allah has said is truth/religion/books/prophets/iman.
Al haqiqat-station of truth/looking at himself as if no body just noor/resist darkness/ibadat will be change from ritual to haaziri to huzoori (feeling ibadat done with heart&soul not just body.presence of beloved is strong.fana fil sheik is achieved .
Al muhabba-the deep prophet (peace be upon him) increases .prophet (peace be upon him) said I’m the mirror of allah’s husn and jamal.this haqqiqat is revealed to salik.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
Make sure you forward this to others .

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