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Monday, June 29, 2020

how to have pure intentions islam // importance of intention in islam

how to have pure intentions islam // importance of intention in islam

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Thought leads to action .so ignore negative/bad thought at first instance itself. About good thought apply it at the first instance itself.always be in wadhu .
Khatir-passing thought  (good /rehmani/noor and bad/nafs- waswas/on and off  is from shaitan)
Hadis un nafs-inspired thought (inclination of nafs )
Al ham-aspiration thought (firmly placed nafs) Good deed/Bad deed didn’t do -1 reward
Al fikr-desire thought (stays longer time ,willingness to perform act,tough and struggling phase)
Iradah-will (practical appreance of thought ,comes out as an action)
Rida-pleasure (satisfaction/pleasant feeling of action)
Al iktiyar-self willingness (choice to repeat it/preference)
Niyyat –action (gives action with heart)
Al azm-resolution (firmness/himmat in intention/niyyat)
Al kasb-final decision
Final is action
Adat-character(continued repeatedly)
All the stages are baatin /hidden in heart/soul)
Soul/actual interpretation=heart/actual +mind/interpretation
Allah forgives till 10 stages now action is good or bad
After ham -1 reward and after action- 1 sin
Munibeen at the stage of inabat and Abideen at the stage of action
Wilayat =regular check on nafs/islah e nafs (keep eye on thought-stop bad thought at first instance itself)
Colour yourself with colours(attributes/siffats) of Allah 
Ahklaq e elahiﷻ =ahklaq e Mustaphaﷺ
Wilayat starts with
1.siddiqeen at the stage of khatir/thought
2. mukarabeen at the stage of hadis e nafs.
3.awabeen at the stage of ham
4.muqlaseen at the stage of fikr
5.mutaqeen at the stage of iktiyar
6.zahideen at the stage of niyyat
7.murideen at the stage of iradah
Mujahideen at the stage of azm
Niyyat e itikaf (be in itikaf whole life) please Allah alone.
2.qalwat /solitude with Allah. find layl tul qadr pray salaah with jamaat (sidq o iqlas) follow sunnah of rasoolAllah ﷺ keep duniya out of heart gain ilm e nafae/marifat
8.iqlas e amal/deeds and ahwal (state) against fitna
10 .to avoid sins
11.association with people for the sake of Allah
12. to command good and forbid bad. join majlis e zikr (fikr e ahkirat) gain blessings from pious people.
15.farz e kifayah
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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